The Spring Cleaning Cheat Sheet for Your Home
Why ruin spring with endless hours of cleaning?
We all want our homes to sparkle, but few of us are giddy enough to dedicate time to housework on a beautiful spring day.
We have the perfect solution for you! Skip routine cleaning tasks and focus on the details that are overlooked most of the year. Set your own pace by choosing one task and performing it through your entire home, or working room by room to complete the list. Either way, you and your home will have a fresh outlook for spring.
So throw open the windows, and click on our Spring Cleaning Playlist to help you get started!
(It’s easy, you just need to download the free Spotify software or App to listen.)
Task 1 – Clear the Clutter
You will not be able to clean without clearing the landscape of clutter. But treat organization tasks separately as a different project. Right now put it away, pass it on or toss it out. Then mark your calendar to clean and organize one closet per room per month to prevent clutter from ever happening again.
Task 2 – Look Up & Dust
All year long there is dust collecting on ceilings, light fixtures, ceiling fans and on top of cabinets and window moldings. Be brave and get up there or use an extension duster to tackle it. Forget about all of that risky advice for spraying chandeliers to drip dry. Try a pair of dusting gloves for a smarter and easier approach.
Task 3 – Look Out & Wash Up
Your windows to the world need to be transparent to let in all of that beautiful springtime daylight.
Martha’s window washing video will help your technique. Then attend to window treatments by dusting or vacuuming with a soft brush. If needed, dry clean or wash according to fabric instructions. Your new dusting gloves will come in handy for blinds and shutters.
Side note: You do not lose any points for hiring professionals.
Task 4 – Appliance Upkeep
These workhorses keep our lives running smoothly, but suffer from gunk build up. Vacuum and wash the floor behind and under each slide-in appliance. Follow manufacturer instructions to clean refrigerator coils and vents, clean out the dryer hose, and remove fabric softener build up from the lint trap. This is also a good time to change air filters and batteries in your smoke detectors.
Task 5 – Edit Expired Products
Empty the contents of your refrigerator and medicine cabinet, then only replace those items you use.
Sorry Fish Oil Gummies, it’s just not working.
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Now, if you’re really inspired, make it a Spring Cleaning Marathon! Martha Stewart’s Homekeeping Handbook: The Essential Guide to Caring for Everything in Your Home is a wonderful reference.
On the other hand, if just skimming the list is exhausting, this calendar from Bright Nest could be your best strategy. Take on one quick tip for each day of the month; the darling little icons make it all seem effortless.
Click Image for a printable calendar on Bright Nest